Through analyzing problem of wavelet transform and then complicated muhiple time-scale and uncertainty characteristics of runoff time series fluctuation, to analyze deeply fluctuation relationship of annual runoff time series between rivers, the natural annual runoff time series from 1956 to 2000 of Hejin hydrological station on the Fenhe River and Wuzhi hydrological station on the Qinhe River are decomposed into muhiple time-scale series with original empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method to obtain fluctuation components with different periods, the decompositions show that there are about 2-4, 8, 15, and 40 years periods for Fenhe River and about 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, and 32 years for Qinhe River. Then set pair analysis(SPA) method is applied to study the resulted set pairs, the results show that the relationship characteristics of annual runoff fluctuations between Fenhe River and Qinhe River, such as homology and opposition, change with different time-scale apparently, namely, the homology is represented through short time scale level, the difference is represented through middle-short time scale level and the opposition is represented through middle-long time scale level.
Journal of Basic Science and Engineering