研究了预处理玉米芯对活性翠蓝K-GL染料的吸附性能,考察了溶液的pH值、初始质量浓度、时间和温度对吸附性能的影响。结果表明,预处理玉米芯对活性翠蓝K-GL废水吸附处理的最佳处理条件为:pH值为1.0,吸附时间为22 h,初始质量浓度为1100.0 mg/L、温度为60℃。在此条件下,实现了以废治废、变废为宝的目的。
The adsorption properties of reactive turquoise blue K-GL removed by pretreated corncob was studied. The effects of pH value, initial coneentration, adsorption time and temperature on adsorption capacity were investigated. The results showed that the best adsorption conditions for reactive turquoise blue K-GL wastewater by pretreated corncob are determined as follows : pH value 1.0, adsorption time 22 h, initial concentration 1100.0 mg/L and temperature 60 ℃. Under above conditions, the goal of "treating one pollu tant by another, and turningpollutant to useful thing" is completely reached.
Shanxi Chemical Industry