空情模拟系统主要实现以下功能:一是模拟产生飞行目标的各种参数,二是模拟探测器对目标进行跟踪,三是以某种数据格式传送到终端设备。基于Windows CE与FPGA的空情模拟系统采用软硬件结合的设计思想,采用PC/104总线作为系统总线能够满足以上功能;且具有便携性、通用性等特点。
The aerial information simulation system should realize functions as follow: first,producing aerial targets and simulating their parameters;second,simulating the detector to track the aerial targets;third,sending the data to the terminal equipment according to their data formats.This aerial information simulation system combines the software with the hardware and adopts PC/104 bus as its system bus.Thus it can ensure realization of above functiuons,and it has several advantages,such as portability and universality, etc.
Instrumentation Technology