高校在信息化建设过程中积累了大量异构、异质的数据源,如何将这些异构数据源中相关的数据资源进行有效整合是当前急需解决的问题。为此,提出了一种新的基于Web Services的异构数据集成解决方案,利用Web Services技术在异构数据集成中的优势,采用虚拟数据库法设计思想,通过设计领域字典表及字段映射表,有效地解决了异构数据集成中最难解决的语义异构问题,并从数据模型转换、全局查询等方面阐述了该方案的可行性。实验结果表明,该方案具有可用性和高效性。
Colleges and universities have accumulated large amount of isomerism, heterogeneous data source in the process of information construction. It is an urgent problem that how to integrate effectively the related data resources in the heterogeneous data source. A new solution is proposed to integrate heterogeneous data based on web services. On account of advantages of web services technology in heterogeneous data integration, the design idea of virtual data in database is adopted. The solution designs field dictionary table and field mapping table, and effectively solves the most difficult problem of semantic heterogeneity in heterogeneous data integration, and discusses the feasibility of the solution from the aspect of data model translation and global query. Experiments show this solution is applicable and efficient.
Computer Engineering and Design