利用COM组件在基于ASP.NET开发信的息系统中,将信息导入到Microsoft Excel中进行查看或打印,是很多程序开发人员经常要面对的问题。通过基于C#语言的一个ASP.NET实例,讨论解决这类问题的方法和技巧。这些方法和技巧在开发基于C#语言的ASP.NET信息系统中有很高的实用价值。
How to make use of COM components in ASP.NET develop the information system will be exported to Microsofl Excel in to view or print, is that many developers often have to face. In this paper, based on the C # language, ASP,NET example to discuss a solution to these problems and techniques. These methods and techniques in the development of C # language-based information system in ASP.NET has a high practical value.
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance