背景与目的:鼻咽癌2008分期自推出应用于临床至今已有半年,其分期标准以及对某些解剖结构的定义有别于鼻咽癌'92分期和UICC 2002分期。本文旨在从MRI影像学的角度,探讨鼻咽癌2008分期标准的合理性,提出2008分期中没有涉及或明确定义的分期因素,分析2008分期是否使病例期别分布产生变化。方法:收集177例初治鼻咽癌患者的MRI资料,按各个分期标准中提及的所有解剖部位,分别标记受侵犯与否,按2008分期标准,鼻腔和鼻咽的分界为双侧上颌窦后壁的连线。结果:口咽、鼻腔、软腭、椎前肌、茎突后间隙、颅内、眼眶和第1、2颈椎100%,翼内肌、翼外肌及以外的咀嚼肌间隙95%以上合并同期别或更高期别T因素。本组76.3%有颈部淋巴结转移,其中Ⅱb区占91.9%;64.4%病例有咽后淋巴结转移,其中90.4%合并颈部淋巴结转移,咽后淋巴结>3cm的有3例,按2008分期分别为T4N3M0、T2N1aM0、T4N1bM0。全组淋巴结包膜外侵犯63例,双侧颈淋巴结转移77例,这两项在相同最大横径和最长纵径中的比例差异没有统计学意义(P<0.05)。11例腮腺淋巴结转移中(6.2%)1例为N0,1例为N1a,其余9例合并N1b以上的淋巴结转移。2008分期、UICC和'92分期的晚期病例分别为81.4%、78.5%和75.7%。结论:2008分期对鼻咽和鼻腔的分界定义偏前,以及将翼内肌列为T3,有其合理性;翼内肌和翼外肌之间的间隙受侵,应该给予明确定义;咽后淋巴结>3cm,不论大小、侧数一律归为N1a,是合理可行的;淋巴结最大横径或最长纵径可能跟预后无关;淋巴结转移跨区时应该明确定义;腮腺淋巴结转移和耳前(咬肌前)淋巴结转移需要明确N分期归属;使用2008分期,对病例的分期分布影响不大。
Background and Objective: The 2008 staging system of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) was generated based on the NPC 92 and AJCC staging system. It remains open to be consummated. This study was to evaluate its rationality as well as compare the stage distribution among the 3 staging systems, by using of MRI imaging. Methods: MRI data was collected from a cohort of 177 cases of untreated NPC for retrospective review. We accepted the nasal involvement criteria of 2008 staging system, in which the borderline between the nasal cavity and nasopharynx was a line linked between both posterior walls of the maxillary sinus, for all of the 3 systems. Results: Involvement of oropharynx, nasopharynx, soft palatine, prevertebral muscles, post-styloid space, intracranial, orbit, 1st and/or 2nd cervical body are 100% accompanied with other same or more advanced T-stage classifications. The same situations happened in more than 95% of involvement of the medial pterygoid muscle or masticator space beyond it. Cervical lymph node metastasis (LNM) accounted for 76.3%. Proportion of metastatic lymph node extracapsular extension (ECE) and/or bilateral neck LNM elevated as maximum diameter of the node increased, no matter transverse or longitudinal. There were 11 cases of parotid LNM in this group. Advanced stage accounted for 81.4%, 78.5% and 75.7% in 2008, UICC and NPC 92 staging system, respectively, without statistic difference. Conclusion: Nasal involvement criteria and T-stage classification of the medial pterygoid muscle defined by NPC 2008 staging system seems reasonable. Stage distribution is also similar to the other 2 systems. However, diameter of the LNM might not be a prognostic factor. Parameters such as how to classify a parotid LNM, or a node which occupies more than one region, require further clarify.
Chinese Journal of Cancer
nasopharyngeal neoplasm, staging system