搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)作为一种新型焊接技术,由于其与传统的熔化焊相比具有焊接缺陷少、无须填充材料及保护气体、焊接前无须复杂的处理工作、能量消耗少等特点而得到广泛应用。但其焊接参数往往由操作者凭经验给出,带有一定的盲目性。本文首先针对FSW工艺进行了一般性研究,找到其规律性,并建立了其焊接参数数据库。数据库系统采用大型SQL Server 2000数据库为平台,建立了材料库、工艺库、刀具库和产品库等,具有查询、维护和浏览等功能。该数据库的建立为FSW工艺的推广应用和工艺管理系统的研究奠定了基础。
As a new and green welding method, friction stir welding (FSW) is applied widely due to its high efficiency, saving energy, less welding defects, few preparation and high quality. But it has blindness because of the processing parameter given by experience. Through investigating the relationship between the welding parameters and the welds quality, the rule of the welding were founded. The parameter database of friction stir welding of aluminum alloys was founded using SQL Server2000 DBMS. It includes welded aluminum alloys materials, tool parameters, tool materials, welding parameters and machining data. The database is characterized by reliable function for data input and import, high convenience, strong querying function, and extensible system-maintaining function. It plays an active role for extending the application of the process and gives the effective guidelines of establishing the management system of process.
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