为了获取万伏以上的高压窄脉冲输出,设计了一种采用高压脉冲变压器混合储能脉冲功率电源,同时为了提高电源的重复频率,设计了LCC逆变充电器。省去中间的高频变压器,电源采用逆变输出直接整流对初级储能电容充电的拓扑结构,文中首先通过充电电容等效为电压源的方法分析逆变器的工作原理,并给出参数选取原则和计算方法。接着分析了电容充电及向脉冲变压器电感放电的过程,说明了在放电电流最大时断路可在负载侧获取高压窄脉冲。电源实验表明,按所选取的参数,电源可实现前沿1.0μs幅值30 kV脉宽1.5μs(90%幅值)的高压脉冲输出,重复工作频率可达2.5 kHz以上,也可实现前沿8 ns幅值4 800 A的脉冲电流输出,充电器实现了对初级电容的快速充电。该电源结构较简单、成本较低,容易做成紧凑一体化的结构,可作为废气处理电源或其他需要数万伏高压窄脉冲工作的场合。
In order to obtain a high-voltage narrow pulse output of more than 10 kV, a high repetition rate pulsed power supply with hybrid energy storage is designed using high-voltage pulse transformer and LCC inverter charger. Without the high-frequency transformer, the primary capacitor is charged directly by rectifying output of the LCC inverter. The working principle of the inverter is analyzed in the way of charging capacitor being equivalent to voltage source. The selection principles of parameters and their calculation methods are given. The analysis of the processes of capacitor charging and discharging to the pulse transformer indicates that high-voltage narrow pulse can be obtained on the load by switching off the maximum discharging current. The experimental results show that the power source can achieve the pulse voltage output with 1.0 μs rising time, 30 kV amplitude and 1.5 μs pulse width(90% amplitude), and repetition rate can reach more than 2.5 kHz. Also, the power source can achieve the pulse current output with 8ns rising time and 4 800 A amplitude. Thus the middle storage capacitor can be charged quickly by the charger. The power source has low cost, simple and compactly integrated structure. It can be used for waste gas processing, and it can also be used in the situation requiring tens of thousands volts high-voltage narrow pulse output.
High Voltage Apparatus