This paper reports new features of the dentition of Sinoconodon, an EarlyJurassic mammal from the lower Lufeng Formation of Yunnan China Incisors andcanines were replaced multiple times in Sinoconodon as in many non-mammalian cynodonts.New juvenile specimens of Sinoconodon have premolars which were replaced once beforebeing permanently lost in the larger (thus older) specimens. Differentiation of premolarsfrom molars and a single replacement of premolare are the derived features of modemmammals. The anterior molare (M1-M2) were probaby lost without replacement. Theposterior molare (M3-M5) were replaced once. The skull experienced indeterminategrowth while the teeth were being replpaced in adult specimens. Sinoconodon is the sistertaxon to all othr mammals. The dental replecement of Sinoconodon could be interpretedas an intermediate stage in the chaseter evolution from the primitive pattem ofpolyphyodont replacement seen in most cynodnts to the derived diphyodont replacementof mammals. From the poyphyodont replacement and the substantial growth of the adultskulls of Anoconodon, we infer that this taxon lacked the lactation and determinategrowth typical of living mammals.
Vertebrata Palasiatica