
上海先进制造业发展重点的战略选择:产品技术还是产业技术? 被引量:8

Strategies for Shanghai Advanced Manufacturing Adjustment:Product Technology or Industry Technology?
摘要 依据劳动力、资产、劳动生产率、利润/销售收入比率等指标的变动态势,本文认为必须同时具有高劳动生产率和高盈利率的先进制造业才能成为上海新一轮制造业结构战略性调整的重点。对电子信息产品制造领域的细分研究后的结论是,上海信息产品制造业的先进领域并不是像电子计算机和包括集成电路在内的电子器件这样以大规模生产为特征的制造领域,而是要发展面向生产者需要的电子设备制造领域,其盈利能力更强,劳动生产率也更高。因此,上海先进制造业的战略性调整是要重点发展那些生产先进技术产品所需要的产业制造技术,而不是产品制造技术领域。 Through the detailed analysis of growth performance of labor, assets, productivity and profits to sales ratio in Shanghai manufacturing sectors, this paper proposes that the advanced manufacturing industry should have two features: high productivity and high profitability. Therefore, this advanced industry should become the top priority of manufacturing development in Shanghai. In the case of IT industry, empirical results on the industry performance shows that the advanced IT manufacturing concentrates on the industry technology instead of product technology, the former has higher productivity and more profitability, and the latter with lower productivity and profitability. Thus, the strategic adjustment of Shanghai advanced manufacturing industry has to shift to industry technology in the coming around of industry restructuring wave.
作者 殷醒民
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期60-69,共10页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题"创新型国家建设中的技术扩散 技术能力积累与区域科技能力提升战略研究"(课题批准号:2007JB011)的部分研究成果 复旦大学中国经济国际竞争力研究创新基地"区域经济子项目"的资助
关键词 先进制造业 制造技术 战略选择 Advanced manufacturing Production technology Strategic adjustment
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