基于分层思想,结合小波变换和脊波变换各自的优势,提出了一种新型的分层图像编码算法。首先使用一种各向异性扩散平滑方法,原始图像I经过平滑,得到平滑图像R1,然后用原始图像I减去平滑图像R1得到纹理图像R2。对平滑图像R1采用多级树集合分裂算法(Set partitioning in hierarchical trees,SPIHT)编码;对纹理图像R2进行改进的正交有限脊波变换,然后采用相应改进的SPIHT算法编码。实验结果表明,本算法在同等码率的情况下优于SPIHT算法的压缩性能。对于纹理比较丰富的图像,效果尤为明显。
This paper proposes a new layered image coding algorithm combines the advantages of wavelet and ridgelet transformations. First of all, the origin image 1 smoothed by an improved anisotropic diffusion method, obtained an smooth image R1, then subtracted R1 from I and obtained an texture image R2. R1 encoded by the SPIHT algorithm based on DWT, and R2 encoded by a amending SPIHT based on ridgelet. The experimental results show that this paper algorithm is better than the SPIHT compression algorithm in the case of the same rate, especially for rich texture image.
Infrared Technology