
国外物流节能减排措施综述 被引量:13

A Review of Overseas Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Measures in Logistical Systems
摘要 为提高我国物流节能减排能力,促进高效、循环、环保型物流服务系统的建立和发展,从制定环保法律、推动多式联运、推广节能方法、开展物流管理及技术创新、加强资源循环利用等方面,总结了美国、欧洲、日本物流发展中有关节能减排的措施及成果。最后指出,我国物流业在注重某个作业环节上节能减排技术的同时,应加强对整个物流系统节能减排方法的探讨,制定适合我国物流可持续发展的节能减排政策措施。 In order to enhance the capability of energy saving and emission reduction in logistics, and thus to develop logistical systems in an efficient, recycling, and environment-friendly way in China, this paper summarizes energy saving and emission reduction measures, as well as achievements in U.S., Europe, and Japan, in terms of environmental protection legislation, developing multi-modal system and transferring, promoting energy saving methods, encouraging logistics management and technology innovation, emphasizing recycling of resources. Finally, the paper points out that energy saving and emission reduction should be emphasized not only in certain point of the logistical operation process, but in the whole system as well. Meanwhile, energy saving and emission reduction measures suited for a sustainable logistical development in China should be formulated.
出处 《城市交通》 2009年第5期27-31,84,共6页 Urban Transport of China
基金 国家发改委<物流业发展与节能减排研究>课题
关键词 交通工程 环境工程 物流 节能减排 政策措施 ~ traffic engineering environment engineering logistics energy saving and emission reduction policies and measures
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