
非甲烷挥发性有机物(NMHCs)对北京大气臭氧产生的影响 被引量:7

Effects of nonmethane hydrocarbons on ozone formation in Beijing
摘要 以2005年北京大气中臭氧(O3)、氮氧化物(NOx)、一氧化碳(CO)和NMHCs观测资料为基础,分析了夏季O3及其前体物的变化特征以及O3产生的影响因素。结果表明,北京夏季大气中O3体积分数较高,最高φ(O3)为199.79×10-9。按丙烯等量体积分数计算,大气中NMHCs体积分数以苯乙烯体积分数最高。AHC占总NMHCs的大部分,而AHC中以R-AROM最高。大气氧化剂OX产生率随着NOx的增加而递增,平均产生率为12.5×10-9h-1,而O3产生效率平均为4.0。O3净产生率在正午12:00最大,O3产生的过程中以过氧氢自由基的光化学生成反应为主。敏感性试验发现,大气中O3体积分数主要受NMHCs体积分数的控制,其中以R-AROM和R-OLE对大气中O3产生的贡献最大。 Data obtained in Beijing during strengthened period study in summer 2005 are analyzed to unravel the relationship between ground-level ozone (03) and pollution precursors (NOx, CO, NMHCs) and estimate their effects on photochemical ozone. The highest concentrations of ozone appear in summer. Eth-benzene is the largest part of NMHCs by propylene-equivalent concentrations. The reactivity of NMHCs is dominated by anthropogenic NMHCs and of the anthropogenic NMHCs, reactive aromatics dominate in which eth-benzene is the most important. Oxidant production rate increases with increasing NOx, with the average of (12.5±8.3)×10^9·h^-1. Ozone production efficiency is 4.0. The highest net ozone production rate appears in the noontime. Photochemical formation of HO2+NO and XO2+NO are the largest part of ozone production. The sensitive experiments by a photochemical box model indicate that the formation of ozone of Beijing area is limited by NMHCs, in particular reactive aromatics and alkene.
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期1318-1324,共7页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目(2007CB407303) 中国科学院大气物理所LAPC开放课题(LAPC-KF-2008-08)
关键词 臭氧 非甲烷挥发性有机物(NMHCs) 臭氧产生效率 相对增量反应性 ozone nonmethane hydrocarbons ozone production efficiency relative incremental reactivity
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