为了深入开展穿甲机理的研究,本文对三组穿甲问题——钨弹以1000m/s打钢靶,钢弹以1000m/s打钢靶,钢弹以1000m/s打铝靶,作了数值研究,应用流体弹塑性力学模型,二维不定常欧拉型编码CPG-LTDL code进行计算,计算结果与试验对比符合良好。 对计算结果的分析指出:(1)弹丸侵彻能力不是取决于它的整体动能,而是取决于弹靶接触面上的压力,当靶板参数和弹材固定时,可用弹丸初始面积比动能来标志,(2)铝靶在抗侵彻过程中呈流体性态,高强度铝钣的抗侵彻性能不如普通的A3钢钣,因此应致力于研制具有抗高压、耐高温的新型铝材,而不是单纯追求提高铝材的常规强度。
In this paper, the numerical study is carried out for three test problems of projectile penetration; a tungsten projectile impacting on a steel target at 1000 m/s, a steel projectile impacting on a steel target at 1000m/s. and a steel projectile impacting on a. aluminium target at 1000 m/s. The basic equations of compressible fluid and elactic-plastic flow in two dimensions and Eulerian typical CPG-LTDL code are used in the numerical calculation. The results of computation are in good agreement with the experimental results.Analysis of the computed results showed: (1) the penetration capacity of projectile is independent on the kinetic of the whole projectile, but dependent on the pressure on the interface of the projectile and target. When the parameters of target and projectile material are given, the penetration capacity of projectile can be indicated by initial specific kinetic energy of projectile. (2) the aluminium target in penetration process behaves like fluid. The penetration resistance capacity of the high strength aluminium target is lower than the A3 steel target. Thus it is shown that the effort should be concentrated on obtaining a new type material of aluminium which can resist high pressure and high temperature of projectile penetration, but not only on. increasing the normal strength of aluminium target.
Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
projectile, penetration, compute