A upflow biological aerated filter combination process was deslgnect for aavancea treatment of NH4^+-N with low concentration,and the influence of parameters,such as ratio of gas to water,hydraulic loading,organic loading,filler height,on the removal rate of NH4^+-N were investigated. It was showed that,when the influent concentration of NH4^+-N was 2.07 - 22.9 mg · L^-1, the average removal rate of NH4^+-N was 45.1 %. The optimum treating conditions were as follows: the ratio of gas to water was 2 : 1, the influent water flow was 0.6 L · h^-1 ,the hydraulic loading was 0.31 m^3 · m^-2 · h^-1 ,the filler height was 60 cm,and the of influent water CODCr concentration of influent water was less than 40 mg · L^-1.
Chemistry & Bioengineering