
综合评价车辆/轨道系统动态特性的广义能量法 被引量:13

Generalized Energy Index for Comprehensively Evaluating the Dynamic Characteristics of Vehicle/Track System
摘要 以轨道质量指数评价轨道区段的平顺状态,不能反映具体的运营车辆相对轨道的动力学响应。因此,借鉴能量集中率的思想,提出综合评价车辆/轨道系统动态特性的广义能量指标,并引入能量权系数表征不同波长成份不平顺对输入车辆/轨道系统总能量有不同的权重。在能量权系数相同的情况下,利用离散Parseval定理证明广义能量指标可简化成轨道质量指数,并通过实测的轨道不平顺数据验证这一结论。通过对车辆动力学响应与轨道不平顺之间的传递函数的幅值曲线规一化后,计算得到能量权系数。利用广义能量指标评价钢轨波浪弯曲不平顺。数值计算结果表明:广义能量指标比轨道质量指数能更好地评价钢轨波浪弯曲不平顺。评价结果的合理性通过是否会引起车体"抖振"得到检验。 Track quality index(TQI) is used to evaluate the irregularity of track district,but it does not have the ability of reflecting the fact that different vehicle running on the same track has different dynamic characteristics.Generalized energy index(GEI) is presented to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of vehicle/track system by borrowing the idea from the method of energy concentration ratio,and energy weight coefficients are introduced to characterize the inherent property that the irregularity with different wave length has different effect on the dynamic response of the vehicle/track system. Under the condition that the energy weight coefficients are equal, Parseval theorem is applied to prove that GEl can be simplified to TQI, which is also verified through field data of track irregularity. The amplitude curve of the transfer function between the track irregularity and the vehicle response is used to calculate the coefficients by adding the constraint on them that the sum of them is equal to 1. GEI is applied to evaluate rail wavy irregularity, and the numerical results show that GEI is better than TQI in the evaluation of rail wavy irregularity. The rationality of the evaluation result can be checked through whether the vehicle buffets or not.
出处 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期22-27,共6页 China Railway Science
基金 铁道部科技研究开发计划项目(2008J004-A)
关键词 广义能量指标 轨道质量指数 能量权系数 钢轨波浪弯曲 PARSEVAL等式 车辆/轨道系统 Generalized energy index Track quality index Energy weight coefficient Rail wavy irregularity Parseval equality Vehicle/track system
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