设Fq是q元特征为2的有限域,q是素数的幂.令信源集S为Fq上所有的n×n非交错矩阵的合同标准型,编码规则集ET和解码规则集ER为Fq上所有的n×n非奇异矩阵,信息集为Fq上所有的n×n奇异的非交错矩阵,构造映射f:s×ET|→M g:M×ER→S∪{欺诈}(Sr,P)|→PSrPt,(A,X)|→Sr,如果XKAKXt=Sr,秩A=r欺诈,其他其中K=In-100 0.证明了该六元组(S,ET,ER,M;f,g)是一个带仲裁的Cartesian认证码,并计算了该认证码的参数.进而,当收方与发方的编码规则按照等概率均匀分布选取时,计算出该码敌方模仿攻击成功的概率PI,敌方替换攻击成功的概率PS,发方模仿攻击成功的概率PT,收方模仿攻击成功的概率PR0,收方替换攻击成功的概率PR1.
Let Fq be the finite fields of characteristic 2 with q elements, where q is a power of a prime. Suppose the set of source states S is a cogredient normal form of all the n X n non-alternation matrices over Fq, the set of encoding rules ET and decoding rules ER are all of the n )× n nonsingular matrices over Fq, and the set of messages M is all of the n X n singular non-alternation matrices over Fq. Construct the maps f:s×ET|→M g:M×ER→S∪(reject)(Sr,P)|→PS,P^t, (A,X)|→{Sr,if XKAKX^T=Sr,rank(A)=r reject, otherwise where K=(^In-1 0 0 0 ) In this paper it is proved that (S, Er, ER, M;f, g)is a Cartesian authentication codes with arbitration, and the associated parameters are calculated. Moreover, when the encoding rules obey a uniform probability distribution,the probabilities of successful impersonation attack by the opponent, successful impersonation attack by the receiver and successful substitution attack by the receiver are computed.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition
authentication codes with arbitration
non-alternation symmetric metrix
finite fields of characteristic 2