Objective In order to improve the diagnostic rate, this article analyzed the clinical characteristic and diagnostic methods of early stage breast cancer. Methods A total of 78 early stage breast cancer patients data were surveyed retrospectively. They were performed ultrasound, mammography, needle aspiration before operation. Results Of the 78 patients,47 (60.3%) appeared to be thickening locally on mammary glands, another 29 (37.2%) can be felt nodules when palpation. And 2(2.5% ) patients have no any symptoms. The diagnostic rate of early stag breast cancer by ultrasound united mammography or needle aspiration is 91.02% ,92.30% respectively,which is significant differ- ence with ultrasOund or mammography. Conclusions Symptoms increasing of mam mary glands hyperplasia or develo- ping local thickening of mammary glands in hish risk aged women always suggest the possibility of early stage breast cancer. In order to raise the diagnostic rate of early stage breast cancer,it is necessary to perform needle aspiration or to dectect by ultrasound and mammography.
Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
early stage breast cancer