[目的]研究大花紫薇的开花习性及花粉萌发特性。[方法]观测了大花紫薇花朵的开放过程和花粉管的萌发过程,并采用离体萌发法测定花粉生活力。[结果]大花紫薇在清晨4:30花朵萼片开裂,7:00花瓣全部展平,花药开裂,这时柱头上分泌大量粘液,为人工授粉的最佳时间;硼酸和蔗糖对大花紫薇花粉的离体萌发影响显著,萌发率最高的组合为蔗糖150g/L+硼酸20 mg/L+CaCl_2 10mg/L;荧光显微镜观察发现,大花紫薇开花后4 h大量花粉粒萌发,花后6 h大量花粉管进入花柱内约1/4处,花后12 h花粉管集中成束前进,约到达花柱1/2处,花后24 h大量花粉管集中成束进入子房,进而完成受精产生种子。[结论]该研究为进一步利用大花紫薇开展育种工作提供了依据。
[ Objective ] To study the characteristics of florescence and pollen in Lagerstroemia speciosa. [ Method] The process of flower opening and pollen tube germination of Lagerstroemia speciosa was observed and the pollen viability was determined through in vitro germination. [ Result] Sepals of L. speciosa started to diverge at 4:30 am, at 7:00 am petals flatten up, anther diverged, and the stigma secreted a large number of mucus, it was the best time for artificial pollination. Boric acid and sucrose had a great effect on in vitro pollen germination of L. speciosa, the combination which made highest rate of pollen germination,was sucrose 150 g/L + boric acid 20 mg/L + CaCl2 10 mg/L. Through the fluorescence microscope,it was known that 4 hours after flowering, a lot of pollen grains germinated on the stigma,6 hours after flowering, lots of pollen tubes entered the style and reached to 1/4 length of the style, 12 hours after flowering, pollen tubes concentrated into a beam forward,and reached to 1/2 length of the style ,24 hours after flowering,lots of pollen tubes entered the ovary in a beam and then fertilized and produced seeds. [ Conclusion ] The results provide some basis for utilizing L. speciosa to breed.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Lagerstroemia speciosa
Flowering habit
Pollen characteristics