Objective To evalute the accuracy and efficiency of "examing and treating" according colposcopy in prevent of cervical lesions. Methods Cytolody, colposeopy, histopathologial examination were used in screening of cervical lesions,4215women were examined, women were treated under the guidance of the colposeopy for pathological study ( exam and treat) , Cervical samples were kept for histopathologial examination. Results There were 243 cases abnormal cervical smears amoung 2854 cervical smears. 327cervical biopsies were performed under the guidance of the colposcopy for pathological study. So three cervical cancers, one hundred thirty nine cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions( CIN Ⅰ 126 cases ,2. 99% , CIN Ⅱ 12cases ,0. 04% , CIN Ⅲ 1 case ,0. 02% ) , eleven pointed condylomata( 0. 26% )were detected. The sensitivity, specificity of colposcopy in evaluation of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions were 97.2% ,70. 9%. Colposcopy and cytolody diagnostic accuracies were 72.7% ,53.9%. There was a statistically significant difference( P 〈 0. 05 ). One hundred and four women were treated under the guidance of the colposcopy for pathological study( exam and treat). Conclusion Cytolody and histopathologial examination under the guidance of colposcopy can be a very accurate diagnosic method in screening of cervical squamous cancer, exam and treat were another way of diagnosis and treatment cervical lesions.
China Practical Medicine
Cervical diseases