
基于遗传禁忌算法的Ontology划分 被引量:2

Ontology Partition Based on Tabu and Genetic Algorithm
摘要 为解决企业实际应用中需要部分使用本体(Ontology)的问题,提出一种基于遗传禁忌算法的Ontology自动划分方法。按Ontology划分的要求,将概念被划分进的子Ontology编号组成的数字串作为一条染色体,设计遗传禁忌算法的适应度函数,给出Ontology划分算法的具体步骤。对比实验结果表明,该方法的划分平衡度和准确性优于其他方法。 In order to solve the problem of using partial content of the huge Ontology effectively, a method of ontology partition is proposed based on Tabu and Genetic Algorithm(TGA). In this method, the digital sequence composed of the number of the sub-Ontology whose concepts will be allocated in is taken as a chromosome according to Ontology partition request. The fitness degree function of TGA is designed, and the concrete steps of Ontology partition algorithm are presented. According to the correlation contrast experiment, it finds that its division balance degree and accuracy are better than other methods.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第17期175-177,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 本体 遗传禁忌算法 划分 Ontology Tabu and Genetic Algorithm(TGA) partition
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