At the symposium on the creation and acceptance of Nanjing! Nanjing! organized by Center of Criticism and Creation for Film-Television and Literature, Shanghai University, a number of professors from Shanghai University, together with Lu Chuan, director of this film, from the multiple viewpoints of social culture as well as the film history, have an extensive exchange and discussion about why there is so big gap between its creation and acceptance. Professor Shi Chuan, Professor Chen Xi-he and Professor Ge Hong-bing hold that the narrative of multiple viewpoints used by this film, while having a breakthrough in the traditional narrative modes of the Chinese anti-Japanese war films, brings about the dilemma in watching-film, thus producing the embarrassment and controversy between creation and acceptance. Professor Qu Chun-jing points out that the reason why there is misplacement between creation and acceptance is mainly to have missed an "anti-fascist" link, because the establishment of anti-fascist dimensions is a prerequisite for reflections on war. Professor Jin Dan-yuan, Professor Cheng Bo, Associate Professor Ge Ying, Chen Xiao-da and post-graduates from this school, from the perspectives of the narrative position of this film and the watching-film mentality, probe into the reason for this phenomenon. What" s more, Professor Ge Hong-bing, Deputy Director of this center, and Liu Hai-bo as well as Associate Professor Nie Wei, speak of the commitment and going-beyond of the film director Lu Chuan, considering that this film goes beyond former similar films in China. For the questions mentioned above, Lu Chuan has a director's interpretation. He holds that the fact of "small probability of the Japanese" being concatenated by "universal significance of the Chinese", shows "unfair to creation". And the so-called "Japanese remorse" is a misreading.
Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
narrative of multiple viewpoints
anti-fascist dimensions
watching-film mentality
commitment and going-beyond
director's interpretation