Aim:To explore the function of Shuangsen Capsule on reducing the plasma glucose of mice. Methods: Hyperglycemia mice models were prepared by iv alloxan and the index of plasma glucose was measured by glucousoxidase method. Results: ①Shuangsen Capsule had no effect on normal mice' plasma glucose ( P >0.05); ②Two dosages of 0.40 g·kg -1 and 0.80 g·kg -1 also reduced the hyperglycemia mice' plasma glucose ( P <0.01); ③Given ways of ig and ip did the same function on reducing hyperglycemia mice' plasma glucose ( P <0.01); ④After 6 d, the function of ig Shuangsen Capsule by 0.40 g·kg -1 per day, on reducing hyperglycemia mice' plasma glucose was observed ( P <0.01). Conclusion: Ig Shuangsen Capsule by 0.40 g·kg -1 per day, the function of reducing hyperglycemia mice' plasma glucose was significant.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University