
基于TPB理论的居民废旧家电及电子产品回收行为研究:以上海为例 被引量:46

Research on Recycling Behavior of Waste Household Appliances and Electronics Based on TPB: A Case of Shanghai
摘要 居民的态度和行为方式是涉及一项资源回收计划能够成功实施的最基本的和关键的问题。文章以废旧家电和废旧电子产品(Waste Home Appliances and Electronics,WHAE)为研究范围,以上海地区居民为研究对象,以计划行为理论(TPB)为理论框架,通过问卷调查和统计及Logistic模型等实证分析的方法,来考察影响居民回收行为的因素、居民回收行为的特征以及偏好。研究结果显示余效影响(过去的回收习惯)、行为控制认识因素(对回收设施和途径的认识)以及对待回收经济性的态度显著影响居民的回收行为,而主观性规范(相关法律的认识)对回收行为则无显著影响。社区集中回收的模式最受居民偏好,而销售商上门回收的模式也有相当的市场潜力。 The attitude and the behavioral pattern of the residents are the most fundamental and essential factors concerning whether a resource recycling scheme can be successful. This paper puts focus on waste household appliances and electronics (WHAE), aiming to investigate the civic behavior and attitude towards the recycling. By using questionnaire-based survey and Theory of Planed Behavior (TPB) as the theoretical framework, the research intends to find out the major factors affecting the recycling behavior; the characteristics of the recycling behavior; and the most preferred recycling pattern for citizens in Shanghai. Logistic regression model are employed in the data analysis. The results show that the residual effect (the recycling habit), perceived behavior control (the acknowledgement of the recycling facilities and channels), and the attitude towards the economic incentives of the recycling influence the recycling behavior significantly; while the subjective norm (acknowledgement of relevant laws) shows no significant influence. Centralized recycling pattern is most preferred and the call-in recycling of the retailers also has market potential.
作者 陆莹莹 赵旭
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第8期85-94,共10页 Management Review
基金 美国Alcoa Foundation资助
关键词 TPB理论 废旧家电及电子产品 回收行为 LOGISTIC回归 TPB, waste home appliances and electronics, recycling behavior, bogistic regression
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