The types of in-situ rock stress are very important for developmentand production in mines. Author selects the stressmeasuring method to understand the types of in-situ rock stress field at Panji, Haunan colliery,China. Measuring points are selected in quartziterock in which the reaction of structure stress is themost sensitive and the elastic modules is thelargest. Then, by means of triaxial stress meter,which is installed in the bore hole of workingshaving the minimum influence of mining, themeasurement is carried out. Through drawing thecurves of stress release, it may be obtained that thedirections of max. and mini. main stress arevertical and north-south respectively. Combinedwith theoretical analysis, geologyc structure andunderground inverstigation, the conclusion isreached that the in-situ rock stress field in themine is the type of earth static stress field.
Ground Pressure and Strata Control