
中小企业融资与中小银行的发展 被引量:8

The Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises and the Development of Small and Medium Banks
摘要 中小企业具有的信息模糊性会限制大银行的规模优势,凸显中小银行对中小企业的贷款优势。在发展中小银行机构及缓解中小企业融资方面,美日两国形成了不同的成功范例。日本通过成立种类繁多、宗旨各异的中小金融机构,直接满足不同类型中小企业的融资需求;美国则主要通过强化对中小银行机构的竞争激励和风险监管,有效撬动其对中小企业的贷款投入。为此,我国应建立多样化的金融机构和多层次的金融市场;在微观层面上,我国中小银行机构应努力发挥特有的信息挖掘优势,提升风险管理水平,积极探索业务创新之道。 Generally, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are fairly opaque, and their information deficiency obstructs the scale advantage of large banks. In contrast, small and medium banks (SMBs) possess an inherent edge in loaning for SMEs. Though differing in modes, both Japan and USA have achieved a lot of successful experience in developing SMBs to facilitate the financing of SMEs. Japan has set up various small and medium financial institutions with different aims to provide financing services directly to the target SMEs. USA effectively increases loans to SMEs by enhancing both competition among SMBs and risk. supervision. Learning from their experience, China should establish a financial market with multi-levels and various financial institutions. Moreover, SMBs should make full use of their information advantage to improve their risk management and actively explore more business innovation.
作者 张格
出处 《金融论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期58-63,共6页 Finance Forum
关键词 中小企业 中小银行 贷款偏好 风险管理 产品创新 small and medium enterprise small and medium bank loan preference risk management product innovation
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