Bingcheng was a common phenomenon in ancient Chinese literature as a way of referring to writers.This form of nomenclature underwent a gradual process of development arising from the interaction of language,literature and cultural factors.From the linguistic point of view,bingcheng can be broadly divided into names related to family names and those related to number expressions or duanyu(words used at the beginning of paragraphs),arising from linguistic abbreviations,the use of one character for two names,establishing family names and so on.From the point of view of culture and customs,the growth of bingcheng was closely connected to tradition,proverbial sayings,the atmosphere of criticism,currents of thought and the quest for fame in Han dynasty society.From the point of view of literature,bingcheng underwent a process of expansion from a limited to a wider group and finally to scholars in general.It was finally established during the Wei,Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties.This was the result of the expansion of its scope and also an expression of the flourishing development of literature itself.After it entered the sphere of literature,it was important for the establishment of writers' literary position,the evaluation of their achievements,the assessment of the literary temper of the times,the formation of literary schools and references for critical methods.From the point of view of cultural psychology,the longevity of bingcheng was ensured by Chinese habits of analogy,parallelism and numerical correspondence and archaism.
Social Sciences in China