With the development of our country economy, more and more super high buildings are being built,how to assess and ensure its reliability during severe earthquake,is one of the problem in seismic studies.Based on Static Push-over Method and dynamic analysis method,this paper studied the research method for the high structures during severer earthquake.The results show that for the super high structure,the influence of high mode is of importance;the way to apply the load should be studied further so the analysis result can satisfy the design requirement.Dynamic non-linear analysis,i.e.,time history method proceeds from the beginning to the end of the earthquake.It can compute the reaction of the structure at each moment of the earthquake wave.This analysis method needs more workload,but in spite of this shortage,its application has a splendid future with the development of computer technology.On the basis of the result,the super high building structure is analyzed and the result is satisfactory and useful to the design work.
Science and Technology of West China
Super high building structures
Static push-over method
Dynamic non linear analysis
Earthquake record