通过实测数据,研究窄带超低频信道电磁噪声幅度概率分布模式,验证超低频信道噪声幅度服从Middleton的Class B模型。在估计Class B幅度概率分布参数值的基础上,根据概率分布图和Q-Q图结果综合分析做出结论,即采用Class B幅度概率模型,可以很好地描述超低频信道大气噪声数据的幅度统计特性。
By analyzing the measured narrow bandwidth noise of ELF, it is verified that the Middleton's Class B model can be made to fit the Amplitude Probability Distribution(APD) of it. With considering the APD and the Q-Q plot (Quantile- Quantile Plot) of real ELF atmospheric noise based on the parameters estimation of Class B noise model, The conclusion is made by excellent agreement between the measured data and the theoretical curves which are provided by Class B.
Ship Electronic Engineering