The stratagem of new-type industrialization has been taken action in the 16th congress of the Chinese Cormnunist Part. The new-type industrialization policy is a scientific solution based on the summarization of the experience and lesson derived from the process of industry all over the world. After the long-term rapid growth, the economy cardinal number incresed rapidly, if we still keep on the traditional mode of development, the supply of resources and the durability of enviroment will become frustrations that can not be overcome. And new-type industrialization emphasized high science and technology content, good economic benefit, low resources consuming, little enviroment pollution and human resources sufficient application. New-type industrialization puting higher demands on county-level economy development in Zhejiang. This paper builds up a new-type industrialization evaluation system, based on the Principal Compnoent Analysis. There three principal eompnoents: first is industry size and technology factor; second is industry process and structure factor; third is environment protected and low energy sources consuming factor. After calculating the compositive scores of every administrative district, the paper makes use of ESDA-GIS frame work to analyze spatial difference of new-type industrialization of county area in Zhejiang. Spatial analysis needed in New-type industrialization research for the observed spatial values are not independent each other, i. e. , (or) they do not follow the same distribution, and(or) there is a trend along different directions. The Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA), which based on the computing spatial autocorelation and spatial heterogeneity, is also used to detect the geographical dynamics of Zhejiang regional disparity patterns. There are significant positive spatial autocorrelation ( Moran' s I) of New-type industrialization level in Zhejiang. Moran' s I Scatter plots and LISA (Local Indicators of Spatial Association) cluster maps are used
Scientia Geographica Sinica
new-type industrialization
spatial difference