Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology
1Magni G, l.a Rosa I, Gimignani S, et al. Early postoperative complications after intracranial surgery: comparison between total intravenous and balanced anesthesia. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 2007,19 : 229-234. 被引量:1
2Dagtekin O, Berlet T, Delis A, et al. Manually controlled total intravenous anesthesia augmented by electrophysiologic monitoring for complex stereotaetic neurosurgical procedures. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 2007,19 : 45-48. 被引量:1
3吉勇,王长睿,王保国,白勤,张彤.七氟烷对癫痫和非癫痫病人脑电图的影响[J].首都医科大学学报,2006,27(3):383-385. 被引量:5
4Sourer MJ, Rozet I, Ojemann JG, et al. Dexmedetomidine sedation during awake craniotomy for seizure resection: effects on electroeorticography. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 2007,19 : 38-44. 被引量:1
5Rozet I, Tontisirin N, Muangman S, et al. Effect of equiosmolar solutions of mannitol versus hypertonic saline on intra operative brain relaxation and electrolyte balance. Anesthesi ology, 2007,107 : 697-704. 被引量:1
6Lavinio A, Timofeev I, Nortje J, et al. Cerebrovascular reactivity during hypothermia and rewarming. Br J Anaesth, 2007,99:237-242. 被引量:1
7Peterson K, Carson S, Carney N. Hypothermia treatment for traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta analysis. J Neurotrauma, 2008,25 : 62-71. 被引量:1
8Koerner IP, Gatting M, Noppens R, et at. Induction of cerebral ischemic tolerance by erythromycin preconditioning re programs the transcriptional response to ischemia and suppresses inflammation. Anesthesiology,2007,106.538-547. 被引量:1
9Kobayashi M, Takeda Y, Taninishi H, et al. Quantitative evaluation of the neuroprotective effects of thiopental sodium, propofol, and halothane on brain ischemia in the gerbil: effects of the anesthetics on ischemic depolarization and extracellular glutamate concentration. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 2007,19 : 171-178. 被引量:1
10Elsersy H, Sheng H, Lynch JR, et al. Effects of isoflurane versus fentanyl-nitrous oxide anesthesia on long-term outcome from severe forebrain ischemia in the rat. Anesthesiology, 2004,100:1160-1166. 被引量:1
1段砺瑕,李晓玲.氟比洛芬酯注射液的药理作用及临床应用[J].中国新药杂志,2004,13(9):851-852. 被引量:602
2Schwender D,Dauder M,Klasing S,et al.Power spectral analysis of the electroencephalogram during increasing end-expiratory concentration of isoflurane,desflurane and sevoflurane[J].Anaesthesia,1998,53:335-342. 被引量:1
3Gugino L D,Chabot R J,Prichep L S,et al.Quantitative EEG changes associated with loss and return of consciousness in healthy adult volunteers anaesthetized with propofol or sevoflurane[J].Br J Anaesth,2001,87:421-428. 被引量:1
4Akeson J,Didriksson I.Convulsions on anaesthetic induction with sevoflurane in young children[J].Acta Anaesth Scand,2004,48:405-407. 被引量:1
5Vakkuri A,Yli-Hankala A,Sarkela M,et al.Sevoflurane mask induction of anaesthesia is associated with epileptiform EEG in children[J].Acta Anaesth Scand,2001,45:805-811. 被引量:1
6Iijima T,Nakamura Z,Iwao Y,et al.The epileptogenic properties of the volatile anesthetics sevoflurane and isoflurane in patients with epilepsy[J].Anesth Anal,2000,91:989-995. 被引量:1
7Sato K,Shamoto H,Kato M.Effect of sevoflurane on electrocorticogram in normal brain[J].Neurosurg Anesth,2002,14:63-65. 被引量:1
8Endo T,Sato K,Shamoto H,et al.Effects of sevoflurane on electrocorticography in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy[J].J Neurosurg Anesth,2002,14:59-62. 被引量:1
9Constant I,Seeman R,Murat I.Sevoflurane and epileptiform EEG changes[J].Paediatr Anaesth,2005,15:266-274. 被引量:1
10Nieminen K,Westeren-Punnonen S,Kokki H,et al.Sevoflurane anaesthesia in children after induction of anaesthesia with midazolam and thiopental does not cause epileptiform EEG[J].Br J Anaesth,2002,89:853-856. 被引量:1
1郭继龙,张联义,王光磊,齐敦益,刘功俭.七氟烷、氯胺酮静吸复合麻醉用于小儿腹股沟斜疝修补术的临床观察[J].徐州医学院学报,2008,28(11):746-748. 被引量:10
2李立芊,徐平.小剂量氯胺酮复合七氟烷在小儿短小手术中的应用(附60例分析)[J].福建医药杂志,2009,31(4):45-46. 被引量:8
3崔明珠,孟凡民.氟比洛芬酯减轻小儿全麻术后躁动临床观察[J].中日友好医院学报,2009,23(6):362-363. 被引量:5
4梁晓君,张洪杰.七氟烷/氧化亚氮全凭吸入麻醉用于小儿颌面外伤手术的临床观察[J].现代口腔医学杂志,2010,24(3):174-176. 被引量:3
5田肇隆,许亚超,王天龙.癫外科手术麻醉进展[J].中国现代神经疾病杂志,2010,10(4):426-429. 被引量:4
6陈贵珍,易斌,陶国才.氟比洛芬酯注射液的术后镇痛作用[J].医学信息(中旬刊),2010,5(9):2660-2661. 被引量:4
7髙润兴,周俊,刘洪珍,杨承祥.致痫灶精确定位手术麻醉方法的探讨[J].中国现代医学杂志,2010,20(21):3336-3339. 被引量:2
8兰群飞,樊理华.氟比洛芬酯预防小儿七氟烷全身麻醉苏醒期躁动30例[J].中国药业,2011,20(23):76-77. 被引量:6
10李建华,赵宏娟.七氟烷全凭吸入和七氟烷复合氯胺酮全身麻醉用于新生儿Ⅲ度唇裂手术效果的比较[J].中国误诊学杂志,2012,12(5):1082-1083. 被引量:6
1白涛,蔡大升,王昆鹏,裴凌.神经外科全身麻醉1008例临床分析[J].山西医药杂志,2014,43(22):2676-2678. 被引量:1
3罗瑶,许婷,温开兰.芬太尼联合异丙酚靶控输注麻醉在输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术的应用[J].中原医刊,2007,34(17):24-24. 被引量:2
4周桂云,崔晓丽.雷米芬太尼复合丙泊酚在无痛人工流产术的应用[J].江苏医药,2016,42(8):975-976. 被引量:3
8徐亮,王冬梅,刘送军,梁彦芳.连续胸椎旁神经阻滞联合全身麻醉用于乳腺癌手术的麻醉效果分析[J].临床合理用药杂志,2016,9(10):130-131. 被引量:8
9王晓岩.观察地佐辛预防瑞芬太尼麻醉后早期疼痛的疗效[J].临床医药文献电子杂志,2015,2(24):5131-5132. 被引量:1
10赵淑珍,谢自茂,赖力.肝移植手术静脉通道的建立及其用药[J].中国普外基础与临床杂志,2001,8(4):272-272. 被引量:2