路径的选择事关“走出去”的成败。多年来,中围出版企业基于对自身的特点和整体实力的综合判断,量身裁衣,量力而行,积极探索走向世界的有效路径。路径一——借国际书展秀中国图书 国际书展,如法兰克福困际书展、美国书展、伦敦书展、澳大利亚围际书展、莫斯科国际书展。
It is crucial for Chinese publication industry to choose correct approaches to realize the "going out" strategy. During the past years, Chinese publishing enterprises have been vigorously exploring better approaches and till now they've found nine, which are based on comprehensive evaluation on China's own situation and the overall development of international publishing business.