
Loop细分曲面的加工等距面生成及误差控制算法 被引量:4

An Algorithm for Machining Loop Subdivision Surface
摘要 不同层次的Loop细分网格曲面可作为不同工序的加工模型。当判断各细分层次与极限曲面的整体误差时,若不考虑所存在的尖锐特征,则计算所得误差将高于实际误差。本文考虑了尖锐特征的存在,对现有给定误差估计所需细分次数的算法进行了改进,并针对粗加工和精加工的不同特点,给出了各工序等距面的生成及调整算法。实践验证方法可行。 The different levels of Loop subdivision surfaces could be used as the geometrical models for different processes of the Numerical Control Machining. The computation error would be higher than what it should be if without considering of the sharp characters. Firstly, an improved approach is provided to compute the number of subdivisions required for reaching the given accuracy of surface shape with considering of the sharp characters. Secondly, an algorithm for generating the offset surfaces with loop subdivision methods in view of rough machining and finish machining is presented. The practice results show the feasibility of the method.
出处 《工程图学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期86-94,共9页 Journal of Engineering Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60603089)
关键词 计算机应用 等距面生成 误差控制 LOOP细分 曲面加工 computer application offset surface generation error control loop subdivision surface machining
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