以功能强大的Visual Basic为工具,将Access数据库和ADO数据库编程技术应用于带式输送机系统的设计,开发了基于CEMA标准的带式输送机设计系统。系统采用模块化结构,由数据库模块、设计选型模块、结果输出模块组成。能够实现原始参数输入、设计计算、部件选型、自动生成设计说明书和绘制线路图,对于减轻技术人员的劳动强度,加快开发速度,缩短设计周期具有现实意义。
Using powerful Visual Basic as a tool, the Access database and ADO database programming technology are applied to the design of belt conveyor system, a software system of belt convey design based on the standard CEMA has been developed. The software system uses a modular structure which is composed of the database module, the design and selection of module, and the results of output module. It has been achieved original parameters input, design and calculation, parts selection, automatic generation of design specification and mapping circuit diagram. It has practical signifieanee of alleviating the labor intensity to teehnieal personnel, speeding up the development speed, shortening the design eycle.
Mechanical Research & Application