
m-增生算子弱压缩迭代序列的强收敛性 被引量:1

Strong convergence of a modified iterative process for pseudocontractive mappings
摘要 设X为一致光滑Banach空间,设C是X的闭子集,A是m-增生算子,f:C→C是一弱压缩映射,引入关于m-增生算子的弱压缩复合迭代序列,证明了该序列{xn}强收敛于A的一个零点,推广了一些迭代的相关结果. Let X is a uniformly smooth Banach space, C is a closed subset of X, and A is an m-accretive operator with a zero. We' ll consider the weakly contractive composite iterative method which generates the sequence {xn}. yn=(1-αn)x0+αnJrnxn, x(n+1)=βnf(xn)+(1-βn)Jrn, yn, and prove it strongly converges to a zero point of A,where {αn},{βn} ,{rn} satisfy certain conditions , f: C→C is a Ф-weakly contractive mapping.
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2009年第6期1-4,共4页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10771141)
关键词 一致光滑BANACH空间 M-增生算子 弱压缩 算子零点 uniformly smooth Banach spaces m-accretive operator weakly contractive mapping zero points of operator
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