The interactions between 10 varieties of pear and 8 isolates of the pear scab fungus (Venturia nashicola) were investigated according to the method of interorganismal genetics. The results showed that there were polygene interactions between the varieties of pear and the isolates of the pear scab. Among the varieties of pear tested there were 1 to 5 or 1 to 6 corresponding gene pairs resistant to the pear scab: 1 to 2,3,or 4 in Jinchuan, Jinhua and Changxi, 1 in Kikusui, 1 to 5 or 1 to 6 in the other tested varieties. By comparing their infection types on the discriminative hosts of the tested varieties,the 8 isolates of the pear scab could be classified into 5 types,which indicated the regional distribution of the pear scab.
Journal of Fruit Science