为了在短时间内完成对主用组合和备用组合的标校,提出一种联动标校方法。在设备的下行频率范围内,每隔10 MHz对主备用组合进行标校,然后采用多项式拟合的方法得到主备用组合标校差值与下行频率的拟合公式。在对主用组合标校完成后,利用拟合公式可以直接计算得到备用组合的标校值。该方法标校精度满足要求,可以普遍应用在统一测控系统设备上,提高设备的可靠性。
In order to complete the calibration of the main combination and the back- up combination, a linkage calibration method is proposed. Specifically, the main combination and the back - up combination are calibrated every 10 MHz in the range of the down-frequency. Then through the use of polynomial fitting method,a fitting formula between the calibration d- value of the main and the back - up combination and the down frequency is got. Calibration value of the back - up combination is calculated directly, by making use of the fitting formula. Calibration accuracy of the method meets the requirements of unified TT&C system,and it can be widely used to improve equipment reliability.
Telecommunication Engineering