
海南省及其近海风能资源的高分辨率数值模拟 被引量:14

摘要 利用加拿大环境部气象局开发的WEST(Wind Energy Simulation Toolkit)对海南省及其近海的风能资源分布进行数值模拟,得到高分辨率(1 km)的风能资源分布状况,并通过将数值模拟结果与海南省沿海8个测风塔和18个现有台站测风资料的对比,表明模拟结果能较好地反映海南省及其近海的风能资源分布状况,70 m高度上的年平均风速相对误差≤9%。另外,分别提取离8部测风塔最近的WEST网格点上的模拟值,利用丹麦的WAsP(Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program)估算8部测风塔所在位置的年平均风速,再分别与测风塔的实测结果进行比较,得到70 m高度上的相对误差同样≤9%。因此,采用WEST模拟的海南省及其近海的高分辨率风能资源分布,可为海南省风能资源的精细化评估和风电场的微观选址提供科学依据。 With high resolution (1 km), the distribution of wind energy resources in Hainan Province and over its offshore waters is numerically simulated by using the Wind Energy Simulation Toolkit(WEST) model developed by the Meteorological Research Branch of Environment Canada. Compared with the observations from eight coastal wind towers and 18 existing stations in the province, the simulations show good reproduction of the real distribution of wind resources in Hainan and over its offshore waters, with the relative error of annual mean wind speed being no more than 9% at the 70-m level. Moreover, based on the simulated results of WEST grids that are closest to where the eight wind towers are located, the annual mean wind speeds are further estimated by using the Danish software WAsP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program). The estimated results are then compared with the observations from the towers. It shows that the relative error is also less than 9%. Therefore, WEST and WEST+WAsP will be useful tools for the assessment of wind energy resources in high resolution and selection of wind farm sites in Hainan Province and over its offshore waters.
出处 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期421-426,共6页 Journal of Tropical Meteorology
基金 中国气象局2006年气象新技术推广项目(CMATG2006M41)资助
关键词 风能资源 WEST软件 风速 高分辨率 数值模拟 wind energy resources Wind Energy Simulation Toolkit(WEST) wind speed high resolution numerical simulation
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