" Traditional Chinese medicine is painful" circumscribes the clinical application of the traditional Chinese compound medicinal broth,which has become one of the maximum drawbacks. Making the" applying traditional Chinese medicine no longer painful" is the way one must follow. It's one of the effective ways that decreasing the inner water to condensed the volume of decoction, which implements the constituent identity between homotenous decoction and productions. This way is also one of the key points to make the" applying traditional Chinese medicine no longer painful" come true. If the" applying traditional Chinese medicine no longer painful" is coming true really, it will adapt the concepts of healthy on the disease prevention and treating disease, meanwhile it will raise the applied proportion of the traditional Chinese compound medicinal broth. This ways is very important to impulse the development of the traditional Chinese medicine.
Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM modernization
medicinal broth
corresponding treated strategies