目的:探讨孕期不同程度糖耐量异常与母儿并发症的关系。方法:1272例孕妇于孕24~28周行口服50g 葡萄糖筛查,血糖≥7.8mmol/L 者(159例)行口服75g 葡萄糖耐量试验。结果:妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)12例(0.94%),孕期糖耐量降低(GIGT)80例(6.29%)。GIGT 组妊娠高血压综合征(PIH)、巨大儿、剖宫术、产后病率及胎儿宫内窘迫的发生率低于 GDM 组,高于正常组,但差异无显著性(P>0.05).GIGT 诊断标准为:糖耐量试验中任何一项高于正常值以及2小时血糖值在6.6~9.1mmol/L 范围。糖筛查血糖值≥7.8mmol/L 组中,PIH、巨大儿及剖宫术的发生率均高于血糖值<7.8mmol/L 组,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。GDM 及 GIGT 的发生率随糖筛查血糖值的升高而升高。结论:孕期不同程度糖耐量异常与母儿并发症有一定的关系,应引起重视.
Objective:To investigate the relationship of various degrees of gestational glucose intolerance with ma- ternal and fetal-neonatal complications.Method:1272 cases of pregnant women received 50g-lhr glucose screening at 24-28 gestation a weeks.An oral glucose tolerance test of 75g glucose was administered in 159 cases with glucose screening≥7.8mmol/L.Results There were 12 cases(0.94%)of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and 80 cases (6.29%)of gestational impaired glucose tolerance (GIGT).The incidences of PIH,macrosomia,cesarean section,puer- peral morbidity and fetal distress in GIGT were lower than those of GDM but higher than normal (P>0.05).The diag- notic criteria of GIGT include any one item of OGTT above normal and 2-hr value of 6.6-9.lmmol/L.However,The in- cidences of PIH,macrosomia and cesarean section were higher in glucose screening≥7.8mmol/L(P<0.05).Thus,the incidences of GDM and GIGT correspond closely with glucose screening results.Conclusion The maternal and fetal- neonatal complications are closely correlated with GIGT and changes of glucose screening. Gestational impaired glucose tolerance Gestational diabetes mellitus Glucose screening Oral glucose tolerance test Complication,maternal and fetal-neonatal
Shanghai Medical Journal