
基于数学形态学的红外热波图像缺陷的定量分析 被引量:2

Quantitative Analysis of Infrared Thermal Image Defect Based on Mathematical Morphology
摘要 红外热波无损检测技术是一种主动式热激励加热的红外热成像技术。在热波检测过程中,红外热成像仪所生成的图像对比度低、背景噪声高,造成缺陷判读和定量分析困难。针对红外图像存在的问题,提出了一种基于数学形态学的分水岭方法,用其对红外热波图像进行图像分割和特征提取。该方法是一种灰值分割方法,具有很强的去噪能力。试验结果表明,该方法能够很好地消除噪声干扰,并能对缺陷的位置和面积进行定量分析,具有工程应用价值。 Infrared thermal wave testing technology was a kind of infrared thermal technology which heats the sample and detects the surface temperature. The infrared thermal image which had low contrast degree and high background noise was difficult to be analyzed quantitatively by inspector. In order to solve thermal image problem, the Watershed method based on mathematicai morphology was presented. The method was an efficient gray level segmentation way which had strongly eliminated noise. Therefore, the Watershed method based on mathematical morphology which segmented defects and extracted the image feature was adopted. The result showed that the Watershed method had eliminated noise effectively, and had computed the defect locations and areas with quantitative analysis and had an engineering applied value.
出处 《无损检测》 2009年第8期596-599,共4页 Nondestructive Testing
关键词 热波检测 图像处理 数学形态学 特征提取 Thermal wave testing Image processing Mathematical morphology Feature extraction
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