Objective To propose a rational clinical classification of gallstone pancreatitis for better guide and select clinical treatment scheme. Methods On the basis of severity of pancreatitis and the presence or absence of biliary obstruction, 273 cases of gallstone panereatitis were classified into four types: non-obstructive mild type ( type Ⅰ ), obstructive mild type ( type Ⅱ), obstructive severe type ( type m ), non-obstructive severe type (type Ⅳ). Moreover, according to the presence or absence of common bile duct stone, every type was further classified into two subtypes: subtype a and subtype b. Then, the results of clinical classification, treatment methods and prognosis were analyzed. Results I a subtype: 34 cases, I b subtype:112 cases; Ⅱ a subtype: 59 cases,Ⅱb subtype: 11 cases; Ⅲa subtype: 6 cases, mb subtype: 4 cases; Ⅳa subtype : 3 cases, Ivb subtype : 44 cases. The overall mortality was 3.3% (9/273), the mortality in Ⅱ type, Ⅱ type, Ⅲ type or Ⅳ type was 0, 0, 10% ( 1/10), 17.0% (8/47), respectively. The difference was statistically significant ( P 〈 0.05 ). The mortality of Ⅳ type in early operation group, traditional non-operative group, and regional intra-arterial infusion group was 30.8% (4/13), 25% (3/12), 4.5% ( 1/22), respectively. The mortality of regional intra-arterial infusion group was significantly lower than those in other two groups ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusions This 4 types and 2 subtypes classification method of gallstone pancreatitis was rational. The treatment efficacy may be improved according to the clinical classification. However, attention shall be paid to the transformation of these clinical types.
Chinese Journal of Pancreatology
Clinical classification