Volcanic activities are always accompanied with a large scale of tectonic activities .The most explosive periods are almost consistent with most active periods of tectonicmovements. Meantime the tectonic-volcanic activities are related to a large areal orglobal climatic changes.After collision between india and Eurasia Plates, occurred during about in 45-10MaB. P., there were a large volume of intermediate-acidic rocks in Gangdisi,southern Tibet during the same period. The another upsurge of volcenic activities generated during about 37~ 35MaB.P. There are a large volume of volcanic rocks inTibetan Plateau and eastern continental rift are4 respectively , correlating with a largescale of tectonic movement in 37- 35MaB.P. It is not only style change of volcanicactivities at 0.73MaB. P. but also rapidly climatic change occurring at 0.8MaB. P.Volcanic activities stabed at 0.73MaB. P. in many areas, such as Ashikelo volcanic eruption and Datong volcanic eruptions etc. which started to enter the upsurges ofvolcanic activities , and about meantime several other volcanic eruptions were nearceased .In thes paper, the volcanic activities of QUaternary in China were correlated withglacial period / interglacial periods based on the data of volcaic rock ages. Theupsurges of volcanic activities of Quaternary in China including both Tibet andEastern continental rift system occurred during 1.50- 1.10MIB. p., 0.73- 0.20MaB. P.,0.12- 0.07MaB. P. and 0.01 - 0MaB. P. respectively . They were mainly correlated withthe four interglacial periods, respectively . In Quaternary , most of volcanic eruptionsgenerated during interglacial periods in China.1.50- 1.10MaB. P. belongs to Longgang volcanic astivity episode which is thefirst upsurge of volcanic eruptions in Quaternary in China, forming volcanic rocks distributed in Xiaoyizishan Mountain, Longgang, Jiashan, Anhui Province. BaitoushanMountain volcanic activity episode that duration is 0.73- 0.20MaB.P. correlated withanother inter-glacial Period too.
Quaternary Sciences