Du Wenxiu had no relations with foreign powers, and the only French exploration team once arrived at Dali was also expelled by Du Wenxiu' s forces. As to the incident of "the Hui' s Envoys" that made Du Wenxiu receive denouncement, we believe it was plotted by Teng Yue and then exaggerated by Liu Daoheng. Files kept by the British-Myanmar Government show that Liu Daoheng' s trip to Britain had nothing to do with Du Wenxiu' s Dali Administration ; and the exaggeration of such an incident was result of British - Myanmar Government' s political demand. As such, the denouncement made to Du Wenxiu is absolutely groundless. In fact, it is the direct and indirect influence of Hui' s uprising and Du Wenxiu' s refusal to support the rebellion force that made the British-French exploration to Yun nan delayed for 18 years, therefore, Du Wenxiu' s position as a leader should not be ignored.