在此使用高级语言进行运算加速模块Dsppool描述,再使用Mentor公司的Catapult C工具完成RTL设计,并为Dsppool模块进行满足APB接口的封装,使之能够作为一个AMBA总线上的Slave模块。实验结果显示,使用硬件描述语言手动设计的Dsppool模块与Catapult C设计的RTL代码功能完全一致,并且综合后性能相当,因为高级语言忽略了硬件设计中的细节,设计速度比直接使用硬件描述语言快几倍到几十倍。
The acceleration module Dsppool is deseripted using high level language. Then, RTL design is completed on Mentor's tool Catapult C and wrapped to meet APB interface..So it can be verified as an AMBA slave. The experiment shows that the funeion of modules designed by hardware decription language and Catapult C is the same. After the synthesis, the performance has little difference. Because some details in the hardware design is neglected using high - level language,the design using Catapult C is more fast than using hardware decription language directly.
Modern Electronics Technique