
成都内外——对四川第三代诗歌传播的社会学考察 被引量:2

A Sociological Survey of the Popularization in Sichuan of Third-generation Poems
摘要 在《诗歌报》与《深圳青年报》举办的"中国诗坛1986现代诗群体大展"上,获得登场机会的"诗歌流派"共计64家,其中明确标明来自四川范围的达11家之多。但是,四川第三代诗歌并非1986年冒出来的雨后春笋。早在大展之前,四川诗群旗幡招展,民刊星火激荡,诗人穿梭往来,盆地之中第三代诗歌早已鼓声阵阵,圈子自成,且与外界互有联系,秋波频递。如此势态形成,显然不仅是诗人创作之功,它还与复杂的诗歌传播活动紧密相连。对此进行一番考察,无疑有助于认识蜀中第三代诗歌的生成境遇,也有益于探析1980年代诗歌的历史现实。事实上,在传播场所、活动城市、行为方式等方面,四川第三代诗歌都有着独特面貌。其发展和传播,一开始就与大学校园、城市空间、自办刊物等紧密相联,并与"环滁皆山也"、偏居西南而又自成整体的四川地域特点有所关联。那么,四川第三代诗歌究竟怎样在传播,其行为和圈子是怎样的,其传播与时代风潮有何关系,它们给当代文学带来了什么样的影响,这些问题,正是文章从文学社会学角度来考察的重心。 At "The Exposition of Modem Verse in China' s Verse Arena of 1956" sponsored by Verse Paper and Shenzhen Youth Paper, a total of 64 schools of verse made their respective appearance, of which 11 came from Sichuan. However, the third-generation poems of Sichuan had made their appearance on the poetic circles long before !986, because relevant activities had been conducted on a large scale there, which stems from not only the endeavors of relevant poets but also the complicated spread of verse in Sichuan. Thus, a survey of the third-generation verse in Sichuan may surely be conducive to both comprehending the formative milieu for the third-generation verse and exploring the historical reality of verse in the 1980s. As a matter of fact, the third-generation poems in Sichuan embrace unique features in terms of their places of dissemination, cities of influence and modes of conduct, etc. In short, the development and popularization of the third-generation poems in Sichuan have been closely related with the college campus, the urban space and self-issued journals as well as with the regional features of Sichuan. As such, in this paper, a sociological survey is attempted to explore how the third-generation verse has been spread in Sichuan, what its conduct and poetic circles are, what the relationship between its spread and the epochal trend is, and what impact it has exerted on contemporary literature, etc.
作者 罗文军
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期11-18,共8页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 四川 第三代诗歌 传播 场所 行为方式 流动 民刊 Sichuan poems of the third generation dissemination social milieu the mode of conduct circulation folk journals
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