Objective To determine if the conventional pelvic radiation fields are rational in relation to the pelvic lymph nodes coverage in radiotherapy of cervix cancer. Methods One hundred patients with cervix cancer underwent CT simulation. Conventional fields were outlined on treatment planning system (TPS) and 95% isodose was calculated and presented by computer. The following distances were measured: (1) bifurcation of abdominal aorta to bifurcation of common lilac artery (length of common lilac artery). (2) bifurcation of abdominal aorta to upper margin of L5. (3) bifurcation of common iliac artery to upper margin of L5 (length of common iliac artery within conventional pelvic radiation fields). (4) bifurcation of common iliac artery to midline of pelvis. (5) margins of 95% isodose to each border. Results Common iliac arteries of 56 patients within conventional pelvic radiation fields were shorter than 2 cm. Distance between left or right common iliac artery and pelvic midline was shorter than 1. 5 cm in 71 patients. Median distances from 95% isodose to superior,inferior,left and right border of anterior/posterior fields were 1. 0 cm, 0. 9 cm, 0. 4 cm and 0. 5 cm,respectively. Conclusions Conventional pelvic fields based on bony landmarks do not provide optimal lymph nodes coverage and 3 cm wide lead ,blocking at middle pelvis on anterior/posterior fields results in omitted lymph nodes in latter course of radiation treatment. Treatment plan based on CT simulation is suggested. Improved lower portion of middle pelvis blocked anterior/ posterior fields are more suitable than those of 3 cm wide lead blocking at middle pelvis.
Journal of Practical Oncology