蛋白饲料经干灰化处理,以5%HC1作为溶解介质,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定矿样中铜、铁、锰、锌等微营养元素含量,方法基体效应较小,共存元素、各待测元素之间没有明显干扰。使用该法分析3种不同类型的实际样品(豆粕、浓缩蛋白、鱼粉),分析结果与国家标准方法测定值一致,均在允许误差范围内。方法回收率为Cu920%、 Fe103.2%、 Mn98.0%、 Zn104.0%,方法的精密度(RSD,n = 12) 0.90%~1.50%。与现行单元素分析方法相比,分析周期短,适用于大批量蛋白饲料的日常检验。
After dry ashing and being dissolved in HCl (5%), copper, iron, manganese and zinc in protein feedstuffs were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The interference among detected elements was not evident. Different samples were analyzed and the analytical results were in good agreement with the values with the national standard method. The recoveries of the method is 92.0% for Cu, 103.2% for Fe, 98.0% for Mn, 104.0% for Zn with the precision of0.90%-1.50% RSD (n=12). The proposed method meets the requirements for commodity inspection of protein feedstuffs and can be applied to routine inspection.
Modern Instruments