在理论和实验上研究了完全偏振光的不同偏振态和光的偏振度对Hanbury Brown-Twiss实验二阶关联函数g(2)的影响。实验中用线偏振光通过1/4波片获得椭圆偏振光,并通过旋转波片实现对完全偏振光偏振态的改变;用两束振动方向相互垂直,传播方向相同且相位差随机的线偏振光合成部分偏振光,并通过调节一束光的光强实现对合成光偏振度的改变。结果表明:对于完全偏振光,其偏振态的改变对g(2)没有影响;对于不同偏振度P的光源,g(2)为P的二次函数。特殊地,自然光情况下P=0,g(2)的理论最大值为1.5;完全偏振光情况下P=1,g(2)的理论最大值为2。理论与实验符合得较好。
This article studies, both theoretically and experimentally, how the degree of polarization and the polarization state of polarized light affect the normalized second order correlation g(2) in Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment. In the experiment, the plane polarized light is changed into elliptically polarized light by passing it through a 1/4 wave plate. By rotating the wave plate, the polarization state of light can be changed. Two beams of light with mutually perpendicular vibration direction, same propagation direction and random phase difference are compounded into a partly polarized light. By adjusting the intensity of one beam of the light, the degree of polarization can be changed. It is shown that for polarized light, the state of polarization causes no change in g^(2). On the other hand, for light with different degrees of polarization (P), g^(2) is a quadratic function of P. For natural light, P = 0, and the maximum g^(2) in theory is 1.5 ; for polarized light, P = 1, and the maximum g^(2) in theory is 2.
Journal of Quantum Optics