
高三学生考前焦虑与应对方式的关系研究 被引量:6

Relationship between Pretest Anxiety and Coping Style of Senior Students in High School
摘要 目的研究临近高考的高三学生的焦虑状况、应对方式以及两者的关系,为学生高考前焦虑的干预提供理论依据。方法采用《状态焦虑量表》和《应对方式问卷》对154名高三学生进行问卷调查。结果有28.6%的学生处于高度焦虑中;学生性别和文理科在焦虑得分上无显著性差异;女性比男性更多地使用求助和幻想来应对考前焦虑,理科生较文科生更多地使用退避和合理化的应对方式;考前焦虑与解决问题、求助呈负相关,而与自责、幻想、退避和合理化的应对方式呈正相关,自责和解决问题进入了回归方程。结论在心理健康教育的过程中要帮助和引导高中生形成以解决问题为主的应对方式,减少自责的使用。 Objective To explore the relationship between anxiety and coping ways of senior students in high school before the college enterance exam, and to provide evidence for the intervening of the anxiety before the college enterance exam. Methods 154 senior students in high school were recruited and investigated with State Trait Anxiety and Coping Style Questionnaire. Results About 28.6% of the students were in the state of high anxiety and there was on difference of pretest anxiety in different genders and disciplines. The female students used more seeking help and illusion to cope with pretest anxiety than the male students, and science students used more the coping style of escape and rationalization than art students; There were negative associations between pretest anxiety and the coping style of the problem solving and seeking help, and positive associations between pretest anxiety and the coping style of self-blaming, illusion, escape and rationalization. Self-blaming and problem solving entered the regression equation. Conclusion To help and induct the students in high school to form a coping way of solving problems and reduce the using of self-blaming in the process of mental health education.
作者 牛宏伟
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2009年第6期689-691,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 高三学生 考前焦虑 应对方式 相关研究 Senior students in high school Pretest anxiety Coping style Related research
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